Wonderful CakePHP guidelines for newcomers and experts

In this digital age, CakePHP enjoys being a rapidly growing and leading open source framework among the web developers owing to its robust capabilities.


CakePHP useful resources


This framework exclusively focuses on the architectural base of your websites practicing the concept of Model-View-Controller (MVC) that ensures extensible architecture to develop simple coding and deploy applications. Efficient CakePHP developer uses this framework in order to create user-friendly and customized websites in a CakePHP development company.

The basic need to have hands on the effective and decent tutorials for the rapid development PHP framework; however this is not an easy task due to the tutorials for this framework not being in abundance.  So, here we have brought a list of 10 amazing tutorials for CakePHP that can prove to be of extreme help.

How to get started

This open-source framework for PHP makes the process of developing, deploying and maintaining applications way easier. It offers valuable design patterns like Model-View-Controller pattern that’s also seen in other popular frameworks like Ruby on Rails. This is the right guide you can use to get started with CakePHP and then develop your own applications using it.

Here is the article: Getting Started With CakePHP

Bake a new project in CakePHP

This tutorial is helpful in making you learn how to use CakePHP’s “bake” feature in order to create applications via the command console instantly.

Here is the article: How to Bake a New Project in CakePHP

Install CakePHP on Shared Hosting

Sometimes it happens that you fail to make your recently installed CakePHP on hosted web work perfectly. But what makes the difference is the right way of installation. We have presented the right guide to initiate the process.

Here is the article: Installing CakePHP on Shared Hosting

Integrate Facebook Connect with CakePHP

Here we are leveraging the advantages of using Cake’s built in Auth component in the latest application. The application must allow for both normal user accounts and Facebook Connect generated user accounts. Here we present the most easygoing approach — dynamically set Auth->fields.

Here is the article:  Integrating Facebook Connect with CakePHP’s Auth component

CakePHP URL Shortener Service Tutorial

This is the time when internet is about 140 characters and services that offer “URL Shortening” as they are the most renowned and used. Here is the way to create your own URL Shortener Service using CakePHP like bit.ly or owl.ly to shorten URLs. This way you can insert them to fit within 140 characters max tweets.

Create a DVD Catalog App using CakePHP

Here you find the right process to create a fully featured web application in CakePHP. This website presents all the series available on his website to make this wonderful app.

Here is the article: Create a DVD Catalog Application using CakePHP

Build a Photo Gallery using CakePHP and Flickr

You can share your Flickr photostream with the world once you lend it an appealing, customized touch. CakePHP works wonders with a few lines of code. This article presents the use of Flickr API and CakePHP to take the images loaded onto Flickr. It can be used to build your own, non-Flickr web gallery.

Here is the article: Build a Photo Gallery Using CakePHP and Flickr

File uploader with CakePHP

This is an all around general purpose file uploader for CakePHP, enclosed as a standalone plugin with file validation, file scanning and support for a wide range of basic mime types.


  • Automatically sets all ini settings needed for file updating
  • Supports wide ranging mime types, like text, images, archives, audio, video, application
  • Logs all internal errors that can be retrieved and displayed

Here is the article: File upload with CakePHP

CakePHP RSS Feed Datasource

This is the RSS datasource to CakePHP developers for CakePHP development. It supports:

  • Built-in Pagination
  • Sorting
  • Content filtering

Create PDF files with CakePHP and TCPDF

Now it’s easier with CakePHP 1.2 to create PDFs with CakePHP. Here we show how to merge CakePHP and the powerful TCPDF for easy PDF file creation.

Here is the article: Creating PDF files with CakePHP and TCPDF