If you are related to the world of web development, you must be aware of things that come in way to keep you from doing better and result in lacking performance. Well, when CakePHP framework is concerned you get the best in terms of support and security but even CakePHP needs to be tuned in well in order to give you the best value in given time and resources.
Speed is the key here. With good speed, you can expect uninterrupted services and optimum results. At the same time, it also serves as an indicator of how well things are doing and what you should expect from the facility, investing your valuable resources and time.
CakePHP is certainly the most talked about framework today. This is because of the easy techniques and planned resources offered by the system. Besides, it allows you to speed up the website and get away with desirable performance and ideal results with least difficulty.
CakePHP speed optimization techniques you must try:
Upgrade versions regularly
Just like you need new clothes every year to go with the changed style or shape, Cake also requires an upgrade to fit with the latest web trends and support advanced functional properties to work well with the changed user requirements. You need to upgrade your Cake website to the latest version in order to keep it performing at its best. If you are still working on the earlier versions, shift to version 2.3.x or look at the CakePHP Cookbook to have a better idea of what suits your requirement the best.
Disable Debug Mode
Make sure you are on a zero debug mode. Well, that sounds so obvious but while in the process this could be forgotten by best of programmers to switch off debugging. The key statement to change is Configure::write (‘debug’, 2) to Configure::write (‘debug’, 0). This will hide all the error messages and refresh model caches allowing the page to load quickly, hence affecting the speed of the site to considerable limits.
Disable Recursive Find Statements
This seems very basic but developers have experienced production time site crash because they didn’t address to Recursive Find Statements just when required. To avoid such thing happing to your site you need to make sure that the Default Recursion is zero by applying the following code in app/Model/AppModel.php:
1. <?php
2. class AppModel extends Model {
3. public $recursive = -1;
4. }
Cache Query Results
Optimizing queries fetch you great results with speed. Just avoid the excess of queries to go into the databases and limiting the fields being returned by each query. Applying the containable class will keep you doing it right and allow you to cache database queries for better end results.
Memory Based Caching
Yes, this one goes far in putting up best with the speed of your CakePHP website. This is because when you access any session, PHP opens related file and decodes the information to serve your query. Well, now the catch is, accessing things from memory is faster and less resource-consuming over disk I/O. this is why installing memory based caching makes sense when your aim it to keep your site being sluggish and sloppy with frequent operations taking place in and around session resources.
Removing Apache and Installing Nginx
Using Nginx instead of Apache is much in trend these days as it helps the website absorb the disruption and performance bottlenecks created by the heavy traffic on internet. Nginx offers you with just the most needed options that offer the best way to combat speed issues far better than that offered by a million of options in Apache. From serving static files to consuming memory, everything is served keeping in mind the speed of program with Nginx.
Remove MySQL and Install Percona
Yes, this one is an important CakePHP speed optimization technique that every CakePHP developer should be aware of. Percona is built with years of close supervision and in-depth understanding of performance issues that are not addressed by MySQL – to serve the purpose of database architecture optimization and to offer best of installation options for prompt and fast web operations.